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Grupo QI

Público·66 miembros

Nathan Sanchez
Nathan Sanchez

New Headway Intermediate Test

A highway lane-following system steers a vehicle to travel within a marked lane. It also maintains a set velocity or safe distance from a preceding vehicle in the same lane. The system typically includes lane detection, sensor fusion, decision logic, and controls components. System-level simulation is a common technique for assessing functionality of the integrated components. Simulations are configured to test scenarios based on system requirements. Automatically running these simulations enables regression testing to verify system-level functionality.

New Headway Intermediate Test

Review the test bench model: Review the system-level lane-following test bench model that contains metric assessments. These metric assessments integrate the test bench model with Simulink Test for the automated testing.

Automate testing: A test manager is configured to simulate each test scenario, assess success criteria, and report results. The results are explored dynamically in the test manager and exported to a PDF for external reviewers.

Automate testing with generated code: The lane detection, sensor fusion, decision logic, and controls components are configured to generate C++ code. The automated testing is run on the generated code to verify expected behavior.

To explore the test requirements and test bench model, open a working copy of the project example files. MATLAB copies the files to an example folder so that you can edit them. The TestAutomation folder contains the files that enables the automate testing.

Each row in this file specifies the requirements in textual and graphical formats for testing the lane-following system for a test scenario. The scenarios with the scenario_LF_ prefix enable you to test lane-detection and lane-following algorithms without obstruction by other vehicles. The scenarios with the scenario_LFACC_ prefix enable you to test lane-detection, lane-following, and ACC behavior with other vehicles on the road.

This test bench model has Simulation 3D Scenario, Lane Marker Detector, Vehicle Detector, Forward Vehicle Sensor Fusion, Lane Following Decision Logic and Lane Following Controller and Vehicle Dynamics components.

This test bench model is configured using the helperSLHighwayLaneFollowingSetup script. This setup script takes scenarioName as input. scenarioName can be any one of the previously described test scenarios. To run the setup script, use code:

You can now simulate the model and visualize the results. For more details on the analysis of the simulation results and the design of individual components in the test bench model, see the Highway Lane Following example.

In this example, the focus is more on automating the simulation runs for this test bench model using Simulink Test for the different test scenarios. The Metrics Assessment subsystem enables integration of system-level metric evaluations with Simulink Test. Open the Metrics Assessment subsystem.

The system-level test bench model visualizes intermediate outputs during the simulation for the analysis of different components in the model. These visualizations are not required when the tests are automated. You can reduce execution time for the automated testing by disabling them.

Observe the populated test cases that were authored previously in this file. Each test case is linked to the corresponding requirement in the Requirements Editor for traceability. Each test case uses the POST-LOAD callback to run the setup script with appropriate inputs and to configure the output video filename. After the simulation of the test case, it invokes helperTMTestCasePostProcessing from the CLEAN-UP callback to assess performances of the overall system and individual components by generating the plots explained in the Highway Lane Following example.

Examine the report Report.pdf. Observe that the Test environment section shows the platform on which the test is run and the MATLAB version used for testing. The Summary section shows the outcome of the test and duration of the simulation in seconds. The Results section shows pass/fail results based on the assessment criteria. This section also shows the plots logged from the helperGenerateFilesForLaneFollowingReport function.

After completion of the test simulations, the results for all the tests can be viewed in the Results and Artifacts tab of the Test Manager. For each test case, the Check Static Range (Simulink) blocks in the model are associated with the Test Manager to visualize overall pass/fail results.

Open the Requirements Editor and select Display. Then, select Verification Status to see a verification status summary for each requirement. Green and red bars indicate the pass/fail status of simulation results for each test.

You can now simulate the model and visualize the results. For more details on the analysis of the simulation results and the design of individual components in the test bench model, see the Highway Lane Following (Automated Driving Toolbox) example.

Observe the populated test cases that were authored previously in this file. Each test case is linked to the corresponding requirement in the Requirements Editor for traceability. Each test case uses the POST-LOAD callback to run the setup script with appropriate inputs and to configure the output video filename. After the simulation of the test case, it invokes helperTMTestCasePostProcessing from the CLEAN-UP callback to assess performances of the overall system and individual components by generating the plots explained in the Highway Lane Following (Automated Driving Toolbox) example.

In order to pass the test, the applicant should have substantial knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary, be well-versed in reading and comprehension, and have the ability to navigate an unabridged or slightly abridged English text. The programme is designed for students whose command of English is at least on the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 041b061a72

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